Just over here blogging about the Floridian lifestyle, fashion, and makeup!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Jarrod Bought a Boat!

It was a beautiful day in Orlando
last Sunday!

So we were invited to go boating with 
an old friend and his girlfriend.

Jarrod just recently bought a boat
and needed to put hours on it before
its first checkup? 

Apparently that's a rule?


We met Jarrod out in Oviedo 
to pick up his boat.

Took a few selfies in the car to make sure the new camera
was working!

Boat Makeup! Yes I put makeup on for boating...
But the makeup has sunscreennn! So I tell myself it's acceptable.

Ooooooo Oviedo...
This is their Snapchat filter...

That's all I have to say about Oviedo...

So we picked up Jarrod's boat!

When we took it around the other side of the barn to
wash it off, was where things got creepyyyy.

I know... I know - I'm being dramatic, but I felt like
I had just walked onto the Texas Chainsaw Massacre Movie set.
These pics don't do it justice. 

After hosing down the boat, we headed
off to Cocoa to drop the boat in
the Banana River. 

Don't worry - No alligators, just sharks.
This river is a mix of freshwater and
saltwater to make brackish water.

THANKFULLY we saw no sharks,
just a few dolphins :)

And we're off!

We passed by so many beautiful sail boats!
It makes me miss having one!

A couple hours in we stopped for lunch and a quick dip!

That fin is a dolphin fin!

Ricky and his orange. Thank goodness it was an orange, because 
a banana on the Banana River is apparently bad luck!

Eventually, I got tired of being the one
taking all of the pictures, so 
while the two lovebirds took a dip, 
I forced Ricky to play photographer!

Let it be known - cheeky bottoms are in!
Tell your friends!

Wondering where to buy a cheeky bottom?
Liquid Ambition has a great
selection and they are Florida

The bottoms I have on are reversible! They have
adorable little pineapples on the other side!

Moving on...

After lunch we started the long treck back.
So I made myself comfortable... per usual.

We followed a boat named Liquid Vegas.
I imagine it had a slot machine inside.
If I had a boat named Liquid Vegas - I would
have a slot machine inside, along with a poker table.

I really got a kick out of all the different names
of the boats that were out there.

Some people have quite the imagination.

Had to take a pic of this sail boat. It looks EXACTLY like the one my
family had when I was growing up!
We passed by a boat graveyard.
Or I'd assume this was a boat graveyard.
There was SO much corrosion - and as someone who has 
written a lesson on corrosion for ships, I know that it is ONE BIG

Saltwater corrodes and will cost you
tons of money in damages.

So I'd hope its a ships' graveyard.
It sounds much more exciting if its a graveyard anyways.

After about an hour of cruising on idle...
we finally made it back to dry land.

Sunday Funday Boatday was a grrrrrreat success!
Thanks Jarr Bear!


  1. Amazing photos!! Looks like you guys had great fun time!!
    Kisses and hugs from {a lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and food blog}

  2. The boat looks so much fun. You look great by the way -Hanna Lei

    Latest Post: Casual (but Cute!) Kimono Outfit Inspiration

  3. Cool boat trip. I love that big white house right by the water. The only boating we do here in London is at the park in the tiny two-people paddle boats lol :)

    1. That's crazy! Though, I would love to be in a two person paddle boat one day in London! Is there some place close that you can go to boat/sail boat?

  4. Amazing photos! I love your blog!

    Bella x

  5. looks so fun!!! Have a great holiday weekend!

  6. Isn't it nice to spend a day in the middle of the ocean? You look nice

    Maybe you have time to see my new post Wedding Drama

    Also, would you like to follow each other on GFC? Pls follow and I’ll follow back!

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  7. I would love to own a boat! They seem like a lot of work though. I actually got my boat license in high school (it was an assessment for Maths?!?!) ahahah and need to put my skills to the test!

    Denton & Lou 

  8. That boat looks like a ton of fun. It just reminds me of all the fun times I have had on boat trips with my family. My wife is also a huge fan of sailing so we do that once in a while. Glad you guys had a lot of fun and didn't get too sun burnt. Great times! Thanks.


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